


PROLICHT develops and manufactures perfect lighting solutions for professional needs in record time. Our clients are our friends.


Founding of the company

1993, Ing. Mag. Walter Norz



more than 250 people from all over the world



Austria, Tyrol, Neu-Götzens


Global Distribution Network

Egypt. Azerbaijan. Australia. Bahrain. Belgium. Botswana. China. Denmark. Germany. Estonia. Finland. France. Greece. Great Britain. India. Indonesia. Ireland. Island. Israel. Italy. Jordan. Canada. Qatar. Croatia. Kuwait. Latvia. Lebanon. Lithuania. Luxembourg. Malta. Macedonia. New Zealand. Netherlands. Norway. Austria. Poland. Portugal. Romania. Russia. Saudi Arabia. Sweden. Switzerland. Singapore. Slovakai. Slovenia. Sri Lanka. Czech Republic . Turkey. Ukraine. Hungary. Venezuela. United Arab Emirates. United States of America. Belarus.


PROLICHT Consumption of raw material per year

Aluminium Profiles: approx. 140.000 lfm equals the entire Inntal-Highway

Cables: approx. 150.000 lfm equals 6.500 linked up tennis fields

Sheet Metal (Alu & Steel): approx. 25.000 m² same size as 3.5 football fields

Reflectors: approx. 120.000 Stk that is one reflector per citizen of Innsbruck

Colour Powder: approx. 15.000 kg equals the weight of 2 grown elephants